OTHM Level 6 Logistics and Supply Chain Management

The OTHM Level 6 Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management is a specialized course that’s major goal is to strengthen the candidate’s knowledge of logistics and supply chain management in terms of logistics policy, management theory, and supply chain practice.

Course Info

OTHM is a UK based Awarding Organisation regulated by Ofqual (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation). OTHM has a network of numerous delivery centers globally to deliver their qualifications in wide range of courses. OTHM qualifications are developed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills that employers are looking for. Pursuing an OTHM qualification will give you the opportunity to enhance knowledge of business and management and grow key competencies to tackle work projects and situations more effectively. This in turn gives you the potential to get promotion within workplace. Alternatively, it allows you to progress onto a Bachelor degree / Master degree / MBA top-up programmes around the World.

Awarded By

UK Qualification-OTHM

Credit Value



15 – 18 Months

Study Mode



Assignment Based


17 Modules+Business Plan

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